Tools and materials are available in most homes, you will be surprised when you know that it can make your old phone and it seems like you just bought it! Toothpaste several experiments confirm the effectiveness of toothpaste to remove scratches on the screen of your phone or computer or any other tablet device. Method: Put a very small amount of toothpaste tip of the finger on the screen, then move it in a circular motion by cotton swabs and leaving it for a few minutes and then scanned a damp towel (this method is also suitable for cleaning devices of blackness and dirt by them).

Products remove scratches cars some products intended to remove scratches cars such as, Turtle Wax and 3M Scratch and Swirl Remover can remove the phone screen scratches easily. Method: Place a small amount of the product on the screen, and by cotton or a small cloth, wipe the screen in a circular motion.

Paper mills and cold remove scratches by a small piece of paper is a cold radical solution, but it is best to use this method to remove scratches the back of the phone and not the front. Method: When using paper cold, must be the softest type, press gently on the screen, and if you prefer to use the drill, and must be careful to make sure that there was no other damage to the screen. NOTE: If you were not careful, this method can increase from scratches and damage to the phone.

4 - sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate, corn starch may be very useful in more than one use, including removing scratches the screen. Method: Mix a few of them with some water and continued flipping to become a thick paste, place a piece of dough on the screen, using a soft cloth gently rub it in a circular motion and then wash towel or damp cloth.

5 - Powder children the way: the same steps as above, but replace bicarbonate powder children, and in the end, use a small piece of cotton in order to clean up the dough. 6 - vegetable oil before use, should cover all openings phone from the front and back with a small plastic. Method: Put one point from any vegetable oils to scratching, and using cotton swabs, move the oil to form a circular motion, then leave the phone to dry.

7 - Polishes kinds of use of any type of varnishes may be useful, but polishes such as "Brasso" and "Silvio" devoted to polishing metals may be due to reverse damage to the screen, this if used incorrectly. Method: Pour a little polisher in a bowl, preferably with a towel below to avoid the leak, place in a small cloth polisher then repeatedly blot on the screen in a circular motion, then remove all the increases using a small cloth dry.

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